Baby Steps to Lawyerhood

4th July 2015

The day I had my very first moot court .

  One month into law school and bam, we got to plead for a client ,albeit a fictitious one. A month ago, none of us had expected, that we would be,so quickly and so smoothly, absorbed into the real work we have ventured out to learn.

   It doesn’t have the Bollywood styled Sunny Deol’s “Tarrekh pe Tareekh”  . An extremely formal setting , a moot court pleading session is a simulation of a real court . It is where we fight , we convince,we question, we defend, we battle it out – with words, intellect and a whole lot of research.

   A chance at arguing and pleading a case was beyond our wildest dreams , when we joined college. We pictured 5 years of memorizing , reading and rote learning but never this.

So it started. We got our case, our research material and time on our hands but none of us did a thing  until 2 days before the pleading.Our minds were blank and we had absolutely no clue about the way we needed to prepare or research or argue , for that matter. But we knew, each one of us, that we’ll figure this out. Nobody knew how, when or why, but we knew we could do it.
When we started out, it seemed a little impossible, a little too much , a little too hard and a little too late but never too far fetched.

As we grow up , we lose out on opportunities to have a first at a lot of things . We do not realise the dull monotony that life settles down into , with time.Adventure might help , but a feeling close to our heart , gradually becomes hazy. We crave for an experience that would never burn out of our hearts and this day was no different. An opportunity at something we had never even seen, a shot at embarrassment , learning and stories for life.

    This moot pleading was one event none of us will ever forget. We would not want to.  It was an experience that’s going to be very close to my heart all my life, irrespective of what I will finally become years from now

I would always want to feel the immense thrill I went through when I was speaking, when I was sure I had the power to convince, when I could change minds by mere words, when I could radiate power through speech, when I could feel the confidence rising within me,when I knew that this is what will keep me going for my entire life.

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